Cairo 2014

Cairo 2014

Friday, September 14, 2007

MK Discipleship

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you (Matthew 28:19, 20, NIV). The Great Commission—Jesus gave a powerful, world-changing command to His disciples and anyone who called Him, Lord.
To be a disciple means to learn, the word disciple comes from the Latin word meaning pupil. So the heart of discipleship in Jesus’ own words is teaching and learning. At the International Society of Missionary Kids (ISMK), we are passionate about discipleship. ISMK serves over 1,500 MKs from ages birth to 23. The families that these MKs represent are called to serve overseas and fulfill the Great Commission. Yet often while living in isolated areas, MKs struggle in their walk and commitment to the Lord. When they return to the U.S. for college or to work, many struggle with cultural adjustments and finding a church home where they can grow and mature in their faith.
The mandate for ISMK must be discipleship! But discipleship doesn’t just happen—there must be intentionality and purpose in reaching MKs. When MKs have a strong walk with the Lord and are plugged in to a local church, they help create healthy missionary families who can serve and fulfill the call God has placed on their lives.
Through annual events and regular communication with MKs, we continue to develop an intentional discipleship plan to reach, teach, train, and encourage all Assemblies of God missionary kids. We send four age-appropriate newsletters directly to each MK every year. These quarterly newsletters include communication from us, devotional challenges, games, and culturally relevant information. We are also making strides to connect with MKs through electronic media, including monthly e-mails, blog sites, and information sharing accounts. Staying in touch with MKs and helping them be part of a community are very important in keeping the doors open for training and discipleship. We are passionate about training MKs to be involved in a church wherever they live. MKs are challenged to stay strong in their walk with the Lord, to work through trauma and grief, and to get plugged in to a local church when they return to the U.S.
The core values of the MK program include helping MKs establish their identity within the MK program, helping them face and deal with transitions and adjustments, and discipling them throughout their MK journey. As Jesus challenged His disciples to go and change the world, ISMK is committed to strong training, teaching, and support for each MK world changer!