Cairo 2014

Cairo 2014

Thursday, September 8, 2011


As autumn is right around the corner, temperatures are cooling down and the trees are about to show their fall colors. The turn of seasons bring about change. The MK Office is no exception to this rule. After 5 years of dedicated service to ISMK, we must bid farewell to Kristi Arnold as she departs for a new adventure in Texas. She and her husband, Joe, will be serving in the administration offices of the Parkcrest Children’s Home in Fairfield, TX. She has been a valuable asset to the ISMK team and we will miss her more than she knows.

iDiscipleship is well underway and growing every day. Our MKs are reading the Bible and communicating with MKs from other mission agencies and youth groups around the globe. It is exciting!

ISMK has various upcoming events, including dinners, fun activities and impacting retreats. We are excited to be interacting face-to-face with our MKs. It is always such a delight to see them.

Please pray for Kristi as she takes this next step and for us as we are ministering to our MKs!