Hello friends around the world!
I just wanted to give you all an update on Katherine. Friday night she came home from a friends house with a tummy ache and not feeling well. Throughout the night she was throwing up and running a fever. None of us slept too well! I called our family doctor on Saturday, but she seemed to be getting better - no more throwing up. He recommended that we go ahead and take her in to the urgent care anyway. Saturday afternoon we went to urgent care and saw a doctor. His diagnosis was a urinary tract infection. We took her home and started giving her the medication. On Sunday she was not throwing up, and her fever was being kept under control with tylenol/ibuprofin. We had a superbowl party at our house Sunday night... she stayed on the couch in our room, still not feeling up to par. Sunday night she just kept complaining of a stomach ache, and her fever still kept coming back.
On Monday morning we took her back to Urgent Care. After spending all day at urgent care they decided to do a CT scan on her. She had issues drinking the liquid, and opted for a tube to be placed in/through her nose - to put the liquid in her tummy through the tube! Immediately after the scan, she threw up everything! Thank God she was able to keep it in for the duration of the test!
They immediately sent her over to the ER for an appendectomy. When we arrived in the OR, the surgeon and operating staff were waiting for her. I was amazed at how quickly everything was proceeding. They were waiting, the OR was ready for her, and we didn't have to wait at all for her to go into surgery. I guess the hardest time for us was when she looked up and asked us if she was going to die. It was a difficult day all the way around, but sending her into surgery was tough!
About 2 hours after she went into surgery, the doctor came out and gave us the good news that everything went well. She definitely had a ruptured appendix, and had a really large absess growing in her abdomen. They cleaned her out, and sewed her back up! She is now recovering at the Cox South Hospital in SGF. The doc said she will be in the hospital "the better part of a week."
It has been neat to see how God has worked in all of this. We have had people offer to pray with us (that we have never met before); our doctor at the Urgent Care happened to be someone that Chad plays basketball with at James River AG. Didn't know he was a doctor! The hospital staff were very attentive to everything! It has just been obvious that God's hand is in all of this. Why do bad things happen? We don't know why (we could get in a long talk about that one) - but we do know positively that God is in the midst of it all! When we suffer, He is with us, and He is helping us. It is a growing experience to go through trials - and hopefully we all learn to lean more on Him through these challenging times!
I have often thought of a young MK out in the Pacific, on a small island, who had an emergency appendectomy just a couple of months ago - i think in December. He did not have access to a hospital, and had to fly to Australia (8 hours I think) to a medical facility, with a ruptured appendix. When we have difficult times, we can only look at all the circumstances and realize how blessed we truly are!
Thanks for continuing to pray for our little princess!