Cairo 2014

Cairo 2014

Friday, January 25, 2008

Parental Update, January 25, 2008

Greetings from the wonderful world of MKs!

The ISMK office is in the process of setting the schedules and hiring the staff for the summer programs of ’08! It is always a fun time. It is a challenge with all the time changes this summer. We want to keep the same quality, but with less time. We are challenged to have powerful services, meaningful small group times, and plenty of social interaction opportunities. I know it will be good, but challenging. We appreciate your prayers as we go through this process.

I would like to encourage you to register for Reentry! If you are returning this summer for SOM (Missionary Renewal) and you have children – I believe they will benefit greatly from the Reentry Program. We will have some quality time talking about the cultural changes. It will also provide your children with more time to develop their meaningful relationships with other MKs. I believe that is a critical element of the MK experience.

In just a few weeks I will be travelling to Eurasia. I am looking forward to connecting with some of you and your kids! It is my first trip into this region, and I believe it will be meaningful. For those of you that will be at the Graduation in Bangalore – make sure you bring your kids with you! Register your kids for that TCK weekend.

I am currently doing a course online about education consulting for MKs/TCKs. The course is the first one of the kind, and is fun to see what other organizations do for their MKs. Bethanie and I are both going through it to see how we can better our help for the missionary families. I would love to include you in some of the questions we are being asked.

The first thing I am looking at is a specific role for an education consultant. We have an education consultant in the ISMK office - Brenda Dickey. She is certainly qualified, and ready to assist at any moment. However, what I would like to know is the missionaries’ perspective. How do you see an education consultant functioning within our system? Would they be involved in the interview process? Do you see us doing more, educationally, than we are right now? I would love to know your thoughts. How can we be better at what we provide? By the way, if you are interested in learning more about being an education consultant for your region/area, let me know!

We are praying for you and your families. Please let us know of any concerns or areas that we need to address. Our goal is to serve you and your families!