ISMK believes in reaching out to MKs where they live. Each year MK alumni travel around the world to regional retreats. In the Spring of 2007 we had the opportunity to minister to MKs in several countries.
· Nairobi, Kenya—80 MKs from South, Central, and East Africa
· Costa Rica—100 MKs from all over Latin America and the Caribbean
· Southern Spain—172 MKs from all over Europe
Alumni MKs also served in discipleship rolls at retreats for Latin American MKs in Waxahachie, Texas; an MK retreat in Eurasia, and a retreat in Mexico. In the coming year ISMK will travel for the first time to families in China. Every summer, ISMK leadership and staff live at Evangel University for six weeks as we minister, train, and challenge new MKs getting ready to face the challenges of living overseas for the first time. This summer over 300 missionary kids gathered and were ministered to during the summer program. God continues to open amazing doors of ministry and opportunity to reach the MK family.
In July, 2007 we led an MK Missions Trip. Partnering with Book of Hope, 10 MKs and three team leaders visited Honduras to share the Book of Hope in schools, perform skits, and share the love of Jesus. Here’s what some of the MKs who attended the trip had to say…
“Honduras was truly amazing, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute I was there. I was blessed with getting to meet new friends, see some of God’s beauty and have a taste of a new culture…It was an honor to work with other MKs, meshing our multi-cultured skills together and tweaking our habits to compliment each other…The highlight was to see the children’s excited faces and hear their anxious voices about their new-found knowledge: that there is a hope, our Jesus.” —Anna, MK from Thailand
“I have lived on the field all my life; however I have never gone on an overseas [missions] trip before. This summer, however I got the privilege to journey with fellow MKs on a trip to Honduras…The children were so sweet and so eager to hear what we had to say…If you didn’t go this summer you most definitely must go next time. It’ll change your life (it changed mine) and give you a new view of life and the world!” —Stephen, MK from Northern Asia
“The 2007 MK missions trip was an amazing experience. The memories our team built…will not fade any time soon!...Seeing the excitement of the little kids getting a Book of Hope at each elementary school we went to was a source of encouragement.” —Sarah, MK from Northern Asia
“I would definitely encourage anyone who has never been on a missions trip to get out there and go do it!” —Melody, MK from Japan