Cairo 2014

Cairo 2014

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

MK Email; Sept 1

Hello MKs!

I know that it has been way too long since I have written to you! So many things have been going on in the MK world, that it is hard to know where to start. Let me start by saying hello! Candidate School is over. School of Missions is over. MK Missions Trip is over. General Council is over, and my family vacation is over! So many things in one summer! I don’t think you want to hear about them all at one time J. Let me just say that they all went great. Although I didn’t go to General Council, Bethanie Skipper did – and she is my witness that a fun time was had by all mks! For those of you who were at one of the summers events, can you write me and let me know what made it special for you? I love knowing what happened!

The thing that is on the front of my mind (which is about all I can handle) is the MK Missions trip to Honduras. We promoted it for a year, and had 15 signed up to go. When we finally departed, there were 12. It was definitely a highlight of the year for all of us that went on the trip. I don’t think that any of us had ever been to Honduras; and most of the MKs had never been to a Latin American country. I wish I could adequately describe the trip, but I don’t think I can. It was amazing. Hanging out with the high school MKs, and watching them actively involved in missions was so much fun. Seeing MKs out of their own comfort zone; in a truly foreign country; not speaking the language… so many things about it that made it unique. I will be featuring the MKs letters about the trip in days to come. On that note, how many of you are interested in a missions trip next summer? You need to know that these trips are all self-funded, meaning you have to raise your own support :-).

I am also in the process of considering all the different blog rings out there. What do you use? Do you use myspace, xanga, blogspot, facebook…? You may use them all. Which one is your favorite, and why? If we were to set up an official (private) chat room for AG MKs, what would you want it to look like? Is that something you would see as being valuable, or not? These are just things that we are considering. I have issues with the advertisements that show up on some of them! They certainly have drawbacks. I see where we need to be so careful in what we do, and the blog sites we go to! What do you think about them?

One other question for all you MKs – what kind of things would you like to see in the newsletters we send out? Is there some kind of information that you think would be valuable? We want to be intentional in what we do. We want it to have meaning! Let me know what we can do to make improvements in what we are doing.

I will be in touch with you all. Keep in touch!


Bwana Chad