Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
As we enter 2008, we are all looking forward to the new things that God has in store for the this year! So many changes are happening in world missions. We are truly excited to see what God has in store.
I am sure that you have already heard of many of the changes that are happening with the summer programs. Candidate School (CS) is being reduced from three weeks to two weeks, and School of Missions is being renamed to Missionary Renewal and is being shortened from 7 full days to 4 full days.
I want to let you know that the MK department is excited about the changes that are happening, and we are looking forward to these new challenges. I believe that the changes being made are truly with the missionaries best interest at heart!
ISMK was a part of a committee looking at the summer schedules. During CS our Missionary Associate (MA) MKs were on campus only for the first two weeks and the Candidate MKs stayed on for the third. It was always a let down for the Candidate MKs to say goodbye to their friends, and then have only half the number of MKs for the last week of CS. I have always felt that the MA kids walked away with just as much of a passion as the Candidate MKs! The bulk of the MK identity training was done in the first two weeks, to make sure that all of the MKs had the same training. The third week was always fun, but not as much instruction. I believe that we will still be able to have a quality Pre-Field preparation for our MKs in two weeks. We will continue to have MuKappa. Candidates coming through the summer programs can expect to have the same level of quality that ISMK has always given our missionaries!
Missionary Renewal (MR) certainly will have a new look for the MK program as well! However, I believe that the changes in the schedule are a positive thing for the MK program as well. While we are losing three days of ministry, we are able to adjust some of our activities so that we minimize the effect of that. We are adjusting some of the schedule, and will have a very powerful week. I believe that the changes in schedule force us as a ministry to be more effective, and more purposeful in everything we do. That is definitely a great thing for us! We will still have a day at Silver Dollar City with all the programs, as well as four evenings of powerful services. Pray with us that God will continue to touch lives and baptize MKs in the Holy Spirit during MR! I know that God has great things in store for next summer, and I am excited about the positive changes that are happening! We will still have a great, fun time with the MKs - and God will move in the services.
I am also very excited about REENTRY. Because of the change is schedule, we are able to be much more focused on the entire reentry program. Immediately following MRW, Caring Connection will lead the annual Reentry program. ISMK will be doing a bulk of our cultural adjustment sessions during Reentry! Some of those sessions were during SOM last year. I would encourage you to make sure you REGISTER for Reentry!!! Our program for those about to enter college is continually getting better, and these changes will help us even more!
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter. Needless to say, I am looking forward to next summer. The ISMK program is a part of World Missions, and I believe we need to morph and make ISMK what it needs to be for this generation of missionaries and MKs! We will not accept anything but the best possible program for our MKs. We pray that you have a great winter/spring (summer/fall depending on where you are)!
Cairo 2014

Friday, December 14, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thanksgiving Retreat
We recently returned from Winter Park, Colorado. Each year the Assemblies of God World Missions sends its college aged MKs to Colorado for a Thanksgiving Retreat. This year was the 35th anniversary of the ISMK Program, and the college retreat! The first AGWM College MK retreat was held in August of 1972! AGWM was lightyears ahead of other missions sending organizations.
This year we had the previous MK Ministry Directors attend the retreat. Each morning we had them share in a Q&A session. We had each of them share about the history of the program, why we do what we do, as well as lots of personal stories. We will be making a DVD of those sessions, as well as the video that I put together for the retreat. It was great to be able to hear from each of them. The only disappointment was that the original Director, Joan Schnelle, had to cancel because of illness in the family.
Each evening we had services, which were all great. Don Triplett spoke on Thursday night about being a Missionaries' Kid vs. being a Missionary Kid. John Bueno spoke on Friday night, and gave some of his testimony along with a great message about following God's plan! I spoke on Saturday evening, along with out "creative worship" service. All in all, I think the retreat touched lives! We all left there longing for more times of worship together. It is always amazing how quickly MKs can reconnect with each other!
I also left retreat with a burden for some of our MKs that are struggling with various MK challenges. Moving back to the States can always bring many challenges. I would ask that you pray for MKs that are struggling with cultural re-adjustments, which is only one of those challenges.
I will be posting the video on the internet as soon as I can. You should be able to see it in on this website later today.
This year we had the previous MK Ministry Directors attend the retreat. Each morning we had them share in a Q&A session. We had each of them share about the history of the program, why we do what we do, as well as lots of personal stories. We will be making a DVD of those sessions, as well as the video that I put together for the retreat. It was great to be able to hear from each of them. The only disappointment was that the original Director, Joan Schnelle, had to cancel because of illness in the family.
Each evening we had services, which were all great. Don Triplett spoke on Thursday night about being a Missionaries' Kid vs. being a Missionary Kid. John Bueno spoke on Friday night, and gave some of his testimony along with a great message about following God's plan! I spoke on Saturday evening, along with out "creative worship" service. All in all, I think the retreat touched lives! We all left there longing for more times of worship together. It is always amazing how quickly MKs can reconnect with each other!
I also left retreat with a burden for some of our MKs that are struggling with various MK challenges. Moving back to the States can always bring many challenges. I would ask that you pray for MKs that are struggling with cultural re-adjustments, which is only one of those challenges.
I will be posting the video on the internet as soon as I can. You should be able to see it in on this website later today.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Last summer was our first ISMK missions trip to Honduras. We had 12 people go, and it was amazing! Since it went so well, and so many have expressed an interest in another missions trip, I am going to lead another one!
Dates: July 24 – August 5, 2008
Cost: Airfare plus $1000*
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Summer of 2008 I will be taking a missions trip to Nairobi, Kenya, with ONLY high school MKs! We will be working with a local missionary and the Area Director, doing ministry to young people in the city of Nairobi. We have room for 15 people on this trip (12 MKs and 3 staff). As of November 1st we already have 8 people (2 staff and 6 MKs) registered for the trip. These spots will be on a “first come, first serve” basis. There is a $100 deposit to reserve your place on this trip. If you want to be a part of this trip, fill out the application and send it in along with your $100. The total cost of the time in Kenya is $1,000, which will include all your transportation, meals, lodging and a one-day safari. Airfare will vary depending on where you are flying from.
I pray you are all doing well! Pray for us, as we are headed into Thanksgiving Retreat in just about 12 days! Things are hectic, but we are excited about the great things ahead. I would love to see the trip to Kenya filled up before Christmas, so everyone has the time to raise the necessary funds. So, if you are interested, I would encourage you to talk to your parents now. We will fill up, and we will not go over 15 people.
Dates: July 24 – August 5, 2008
Cost: Airfare plus $1000*
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Summer of 2008 I will be taking a missions trip to Nairobi, Kenya, with ONLY high school MKs! We will be working with a local missionary and the Area Director, doing ministry to young people in the city of Nairobi. We have room for 15 people on this trip (12 MKs and 3 staff). As of November 1st we already have 8 people (2 staff and 6 MKs) registered for the trip. These spots will be on a “first come, first serve” basis. There is a $100 deposit to reserve your place on this trip. If you want to be a part of this trip, fill out the application and send it in along with your $100. The total cost of the time in Kenya is $1,000, which will include all your transportation, meals, lodging and a one-day safari. Airfare will vary depending on where you are flying from.
I pray you are all doing well! Pray for us, as we are headed into Thanksgiving Retreat in just about 12 days! Things are hectic, but we are excited about the great things ahead. I would love to see the trip to Kenya filled up before Christmas, so everyone has the time to raise the necessary funds. So, if you are interested, I would encourage you to talk to your parents now. We will fill up, and we will not go over 15 people.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Northern Asia
Hello MKs and friends! I wanted to ask for you prayers as I head out to Northern Asia this week. I will be gone until the middle of October. We have quite a few families living there, and I will be meeting with them. For safety sake, I won't say much - but thanks for your prayers!
Friday, September 14, 2007
MK Events 2007
ISMK believes in reaching out to MKs where they live. Each year MK alumni travel around the world to regional retreats. In the Spring of 2007 we had the opportunity to minister to MKs in several countries.
· Nairobi, Kenya—80 MKs from South, Central, and East Africa
· Costa Rica—100 MKs from all over Latin America and the Caribbean
· Southern Spain—172 MKs from all over Europe
Alumni MKs also served in discipleship rolls at retreats for Latin American MKs in Waxahachie, Texas; an MK retreat in Eurasia, and a retreat in Mexico. In the coming year ISMK will travel for the first time to families in China. Every summer, ISMK leadership and staff live at Evangel University for six weeks as we minister, train, and challenge new MKs getting ready to face the challenges of living overseas for the first time. This summer over 300 missionary kids gathered and were ministered to during the summer program. God continues to open amazing doors of ministry and opportunity to reach the MK family.
In July, 2007 we led an MK Missions Trip. Partnering with Book of Hope, 10 MKs and three team leaders visited Honduras to share the Book of Hope in schools, perform skits, and share the love of Jesus. Here’s what some of the MKs who attended the trip had to say…
“Honduras was truly amazing, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute I was there. I was blessed with getting to meet new friends, see some of God’s beauty and have a taste of a new culture…It was an honor to work with other MKs, meshing our multi-cultured skills together and tweaking our habits to compliment each other…The highlight was to see the children’s excited faces and hear their anxious voices about their new-found knowledge: that there is a hope, our Jesus.” —Anna, MK from Thailand
“I have lived on the field all my life; however I have never gone on an overseas [missions] trip before. This summer, however I got the privilege to journey with fellow MKs on a trip to Honduras…The children were so sweet and so eager to hear what we had to say…If you didn’t go this summer you most definitely must go next time. It’ll change your life (it changed mine) and give you a new view of life and the world!” —Stephen, MK from Northern Asia
“The 2007 MK missions trip was an amazing experience. The memories our team built…will not fade any time soon!...Seeing the excitement of the little kids getting a Book of Hope at each elementary school we went to was a source of encouragement.” —Sarah, MK from Northern Asia
“I would definitely encourage anyone who has never been on a missions trip to get out there and go do it!” —Melody, MK from Japan
· Nairobi, Kenya—80 MKs from South, Central, and East Africa
· Costa Rica—100 MKs from all over Latin America and the Caribbean
· Southern Spain—172 MKs from all over Europe
Alumni MKs also served in discipleship rolls at retreats for Latin American MKs in Waxahachie, Texas; an MK retreat in Eurasia, and a retreat in Mexico. In the coming year ISMK will travel for the first time to families in China. Every summer, ISMK leadership and staff live at Evangel University for six weeks as we minister, train, and challenge new MKs getting ready to face the challenges of living overseas for the first time. This summer over 300 missionary kids gathered and were ministered to during the summer program. God continues to open amazing doors of ministry and opportunity to reach the MK family.
In July, 2007 we led an MK Missions Trip. Partnering with Book of Hope, 10 MKs and three team leaders visited Honduras to share the Book of Hope in schools, perform skits, and share the love of Jesus. Here’s what some of the MKs who attended the trip had to say…
“Honduras was truly amazing, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute I was there. I was blessed with getting to meet new friends, see some of God’s beauty and have a taste of a new culture…It was an honor to work with other MKs, meshing our multi-cultured skills together and tweaking our habits to compliment each other…The highlight was to see the children’s excited faces and hear their anxious voices about their new-found knowledge: that there is a hope, our Jesus.” —Anna, MK from Thailand
“I have lived on the field all my life; however I have never gone on an overseas [missions] trip before. This summer, however I got the privilege to journey with fellow MKs on a trip to Honduras…The children were so sweet and so eager to hear what we had to say…If you didn’t go this summer you most definitely must go next time. It’ll change your life (it changed mine) and give you a new view of life and the world!” —Stephen, MK from Northern Asia
“The 2007 MK missions trip was an amazing experience. The memories our team built…will not fade any time soon!...Seeing the excitement of the little kids getting a Book of Hope at each elementary school we went to was a source of encouragement.” —Sarah, MK from Northern Asia
“I would definitely encourage anyone who has never been on a missions trip to get out there and go do it!” —Melody, MK from Japan
MK Discipleship
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you (Matthew 28:19, 20, NIV). The Great Commission—Jesus gave a powerful, world-changing command to His disciples and anyone who called Him, Lord.
To be a disciple means to learn, the word disciple comes from the Latin word meaning pupil. So the heart of discipleship in Jesus’ own words is teaching and learning. At the International Society of Missionary Kids (ISMK), we are passionate about discipleship. ISMK serves over 1,500 MKs from ages birth to 23. The families that these MKs represent are called to serve overseas and fulfill the Great Commission. Yet often while living in isolated areas, MKs struggle in their walk and commitment to the Lord. When they return to the U.S. for college or to work, many struggle with cultural adjustments and finding a church home where they can grow and mature in their faith.
The mandate for ISMK must be discipleship! But discipleship doesn’t just happen—there must be intentionality and purpose in reaching MKs. When MKs have a strong walk with the Lord and are plugged in to a local church, they help create healthy missionary families who can serve and fulfill the call God has placed on their lives.
Through annual events and regular communication with MKs, we continue to develop an intentional discipleship plan to reach, teach, train, and encourage all Assemblies of God missionary kids. We send four age-appropriate newsletters directly to each MK every year. These quarterly newsletters include communication from us, devotional challenges, games, and culturally relevant information. We are also making strides to connect with MKs through electronic media, including monthly e-mails, blog sites, and information sharing accounts. Staying in touch with MKs and helping them be part of a community are very important in keeping the doors open for training and discipleship. We are passionate about training MKs to be involved in a church wherever they live. MKs are challenged to stay strong in their walk with the Lord, to work through trauma and grief, and to get plugged in to a local church when they return to the U.S.
The core values of the MK program include helping MKs establish their identity within the MK program, helping them face and deal with transitions and adjustments, and discipling them throughout their MK journey. As Jesus challenged His disciples to go and change the world, ISMK is committed to strong training, teaching, and support for each MK world changer!
To be a disciple means to learn, the word disciple comes from the Latin word meaning pupil. So the heart of discipleship in Jesus’ own words is teaching and learning. At the International Society of Missionary Kids (ISMK), we are passionate about discipleship. ISMK serves over 1,500 MKs from ages birth to 23. The families that these MKs represent are called to serve overseas and fulfill the Great Commission. Yet often while living in isolated areas, MKs struggle in their walk and commitment to the Lord. When they return to the U.S. for college or to work, many struggle with cultural adjustments and finding a church home where they can grow and mature in their faith.
The mandate for ISMK must be discipleship! But discipleship doesn’t just happen—there must be intentionality and purpose in reaching MKs. When MKs have a strong walk with the Lord and are plugged in to a local church, they help create healthy missionary families who can serve and fulfill the call God has placed on their lives.
Through annual events and regular communication with MKs, we continue to develop an intentional discipleship plan to reach, teach, train, and encourage all Assemblies of God missionary kids. We send four age-appropriate newsletters directly to each MK every year. These quarterly newsletters include communication from us, devotional challenges, games, and culturally relevant information. We are also making strides to connect with MKs through electronic media, including monthly e-mails, blog sites, and information sharing accounts. Staying in touch with MKs and helping them be part of a community are very important in keeping the doors open for training and discipleship. We are passionate about training MKs to be involved in a church wherever they live. MKs are challenged to stay strong in their walk with the Lord, to work through trauma and grief, and to get plugged in to a local church when they return to the U.S.
The core values of the MK program include helping MKs establish their identity within the MK program, helping them face and deal with transitions and adjustments, and discipling them throughout their MK journey. As Jesus challenged His disciples to go and change the world, ISMK is committed to strong training, teaching, and support for each MK world changer!
MK Email; Sept 12
Hello again MKs!
I have a question for you today. What are you willing to risk? That is a tough question to answer, isn’t it? Generally, the very next thing you will think is “that depends on what I am going to gain.” There is a game show on TV here in America. I think it is called “Deal or No Deal.” Contestants are asked to risk all their winnings for the possibility of winning more! What if they were guaranteed to win the maximum prize?
A couple months ago, I wrote to you about being “passionate for your world.” The very first thing that I said was “you have to BELIEVE A GREAT DREAM! When you are thinking about your future and what you want to become – you set goals for yourself! You should have high expectations. It should be something GREAT!”
Once you have a dream on your heart; once you believe that you know where God is directing; once you believe that you have some direction – then you will need to step out in faith. Your dream can be as simple as believing that God wants you to witness to someone in your class. It can also be something as major as believing that you know what God wants you to do with the rest of your life! Once you have some direction that you believe God wants you to go in – you have to step out in faith! If we never step out in faith, then we will never see the great results that God wants us to see. This is the second step – being willing to RISK EVERYTHING for what God is calling you to do!
As MKs, you have a unique perspective on this, since your parents have a dream, or vision, for what God wants them to do. Your parents have risked everything. They have given up the security of family, a steady paycheck, and a comfortable culture. They have a dream, and they are pursuing it. Those are your parents. Where do you stand?
My challenge to each one of us today is simple. What is your dream & how much are you willing to risk seeing that dream fulfilled? I can say that you will never be disappointed with the results from risking everything for God! Let’s see what great things that God is going to do through you! Go ahead. Step out in faith!
I would love to hear from you. Are there areas in your life that you believe God is challenging you to step out in? Do you feel like God is asking you to do something, but it is a bit scary? Let me know, and I will pray with you that God will direct you!
I have a question for you today. What are you willing to risk? That is a tough question to answer, isn’t it? Generally, the very next thing you will think is “that depends on what I am going to gain.” There is a game show on TV here in America. I think it is called “Deal or No Deal.” Contestants are asked to risk all their winnings for the possibility of winning more! What if they were guaranteed to win the maximum prize?
A couple months ago, I wrote to you about being “passionate for your world.” The very first thing that I said was “you have to BELIEVE A GREAT DREAM! When you are thinking about your future and what you want to become – you set goals for yourself! You should have high expectations. It should be something GREAT!”
Once you have a dream on your heart; once you believe that you know where God is directing; once you believe that you have some direction – then you will need to step out in faith. Your dream can be as simple as believing that God wants you to witness to someone in your class. It can also be something as major as believing that you know what God wants you to do with the rest of your life! Once you have some direction that you believe God wants you to go in – you have to step out in faith! If we never step out in faith, then we will never see the great results that God wants us to see. This is the second step – being willing to RISK EVERYTHING for what God is calling you to do!
As MKs, you have a unique perspective on this, since your parents have a dream, or vision, for what God wants them to do. Your parents have risked everything. They have given up the security of family, a steady paycheck, and a comfortable culture. They have a dream, and they are pursuing it. Those are your parents. Where do you stand?
My challenge to each one of us today is simple. What is your dream & how much are you willing to risk seeing that dream fulfilled? I can say that you will never be disappointed with the results from risking everything for God! Let’s see what great things that God is going to do through you! Go ahead. Step out in faith!
I would love to hear from you. Are there areas in your life that you believe God is challenging you to step out in? Do you feel like God is asking you to do something, but it is a bit scary? Let me know, and I will pray with you that God will direct you!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
MK Email; Sept 1
Hello MKs!
I know that it has been way too long since I have written to you! So many things have been going on in the MK world, that it is hard to know where to start. Let me start by saying hello! Candidate School is over. School of Missions is over. MK Missions Trip is over. General Council is over, and my family vacation is over! So many things in one summer! I don’t think you want to hear about them all at one time J. Let me just say that they all went great. Although I didn’t go to General Council, Bethanie Skipper did – and she is my witness that a fun time was had by all mks! For those of you who were at one of the summers events, can you write me and let me know what made it special for you? I love knowing what happened!
The thing that is on the front of my mind (which is about all I can handle) is the MK Missions trip to Honduras. We promoted it for a year, and had 15 signed up to go. When we finally departed, there were 12. It was definitely a highlight of the year for all of us that went on the trip. I don’t think that any of us had ever been to Honduras; and most of the MKs had never been to a Latin American country. I wish I could adequately describe the trip, but I don’t think I can. It was amazing. Hanging out with the high school MKs, and watching them actively involved in missions was so much fun. Seeing MKs out of their own comfort zone; in a truly foreign country; not speaking the language… so many things about it that made it unique. I will be featuring the MKs letters about the trip in days to come. On that note, how many of you are interested in a missions trip next summer? You need to know that these trips are all self-funded, meaning you have to raise your own support :-).
I am also in the process of considering all the different blog rings out there. What do you use? Do you use myspace, xanga, blogspot, facebook…? You may use them all. Which one is your favorite, and why? If we were to set up an official (private) chat room for AG MKs, what would you want it to look like? Is that something you would see as being valuable, or not? These are just things that we are considering. I have issues with the advertisements that show up on some of them! They certainly have drawbacks. I see where we need to be so careful in what we do, and the blog sites we go to! What do you think about them?
One other question for all you MKs – what kind of things would you like to see in the newsletters we send out? Is there some kind of information that you think would be valuable? We want to be intentional in what we do. We want it to have meaning! Let me know what we can do to make improvements in what we are doing.
I will be in touch with you all. Keep in touch!
Bwana Chad
I know that it has been way too long since I have written to you! So many things have been going on in the MK world, that it is hard to know where to start. Let me start by saying hello! Candidate School is over. School of Missions is over. MK Missions Trip is over. General Council is over, and my family vacation is over! So many things in one summer! I don’t think you want to hear about them all at one time J. Let me just say that they all went great. Although I didn’t go to General Council, Bethanie Skipper did – and she is my witness that a fun time was had by all mks! For those of you who were at one of the summers events, can you write me and let me know what made it special for you? I love knowing what happened!
The thing that is on the front of my mind (which is about all I can handle) is the MK Missions trip to Honduras. We promoted it for a year, and had 15 signed up to go. When we finally departed, there were 12. It was definitely a highlight of the year for all of us that went on the trip. I don’t think that any of us had ever been to Honduras; and most of the MKs had never been to a Latin American country. I wish I could adequately describe the trip, but I don’t think I can. It was amazing. Hanging out with the high school MKs, and watching them actively involved in missions was so much fun. Seeing MKs out of their own comfort zone; in a truly foreign country; not speaking the language… so many things about it that made it unique. I will be featuring the MKs letters about the trip in days to come. On that note, how many of you are interested in a missions trip next summer? You need to know that these trips are all self-funded, meaning you have to raise your own support :-).
I am also in the process of considering all the different blog rings out there. What do you use? Do you use myspace, xanga, blogspot, facebook…? You may use them all. Which one is your favorite, and why? If we were to set up an official (private) chat room for AG MKs, what would you want it to look like? Is that something you would see as being valuable, or not? These are just things that we are considering. I have issues with the advertisements that show up on some of them! They certainly have drawbacks. I see where we need to be so careful in what we do, and the blog sites we go to! What do you think about them?
One other question for all you MKs – what kind of things would you like to see in the newsletters we send out? Is there some kind of information that you think would be valuable? We want to be intentional in what we do. We want it to have meaning! Let me know what we can do to make improvements in what we are doing.
I will be in touch with you all. Keep in touch!
Bwana Chad
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