August is about half way through and has already been full of incredible happenings. This year, General Council and Fine Arts Festival took place in Phoenix, AZ. Even though there were many interactive exhibit booths and tons of people to visit with, the greatest highlight for us was the MK dinner! We had over 105 attend, spanning from very young MKs to an MK born in the 1940s. It was awesome seeing MKs from several generations unite over a meal! And of course we enjoyed being able to see many MKs perform in the Fine Arts Festival. Our MK family has many very talented people.
Our focus for the rest of August will be working through the final details for the iDiscipleship launch, which is just a few weeks away. If you haven’t signed already, we welcome you to sign up at!
Like always, we are excited about the future. Please continue to pray for our MKs and for us. We know the Lord has great things in store!