Chad and Dargan are General Appointed Missionaries with Assemblies of God World Missions. They have been self-funded since 1994. While they base in the United States, they do not receive any compensation or support from Assemblies of God World Missions, or the missionaries they serve. If you have questions about the MK program, please ask any missionary about the value of this ministry for their children.
Some people have asked if the missionaries support the MK program. Included in every missionary’s budget is 5% for administrative costs. AGWM uses some of those funds to assist the programs of ISMK. However, those funds do not cover the costs of a missionary to run the program. Without the consistent financial support of donors, Chad and Dargan would not be able to provide leadership for this valuable ministry to the missionary family. By raising their own budget, Chad and Dargan help keep the overall budget of the missionaries and AGWM lower than it would otherwise be. Missionaries are therefore able to raise their support quicker and stay on the field longer.
When Chad and Dargan returned from Europe, they assumed the leadership of ISMK within four months. Once they assumed leadership, they were no longer able to itinerate to raise a complete budget. They have been below their needed budget since 2004. Currently, they lack $2,000 in monthly support.
Would you and/or your church consider supporting the Phillips family? By doing so, you will be multiplying your missions investment in families around the world!