I have just returned from a trip where I was able to meet with many of our MKs in Central and Southern Eurasia. It renewed my passion for teachers in our MK schools. There is a great need for teachers at the schools our MKs attend. If you are a part of a school that needs teachers, would you contact me? I would like to put together a video of places that need teachers. Let me know if you are interested, or have a need for teachers! I believe that our MKs need to have qualified teachers, from year to year! They deserve the best we can give them, and we want to help make sure that happens.
If you have followed these newsletters, you know that we have an MK Missions Trip scheduled for July this summer. Area Director Greg Beggs is helping us put together this trip. I truly believe it will be powerful! We have some updates to that trip that you need to know about. Because of the unrest in Kenya, we have changed the country to Tanzania. We will be doing youth and children’s ministry for our entire time there. No experience is necessary!
Currently, we have 8 people registered for the trip (after a couple had to cancel). I have room for a total of 15. I believe that our MKs need to experience missions for themselves, and that this is an amazing way for them to do that. I believe that God will use these trips to direct our MKs back into missions. Often times MKs are in one region, one country, and they never actually experience what missions truly is. They have heard mom and dad, and they see it through the eyes of someone else’s call. I want to make missions personal!
Would you consider presenting this trip to your MK? I know that airfare and costs are difficult, but I also know that God provides (even for little missionaries). I have seen MKs raise the budget, and it is a huge faith builder! The cost of the trip is airfare plus $1,000. If you are in Europe, we can pick your MK up on our way there! Your MK can meet up with us. He/she doesn’t need to fly to the States to be a part of this trip.
Please contact my office if you are interested! We need to work on airplane tickets, but we still have enough time. Don’t hesitate! Let us know. I will be going on the trip, and will get to be a part of the ministry time with the MKs. Last years trip was powerful, and I know that this one will be amazing as well!
I know that you are all thinking about the changes to the summer programs. I want to let you know that even though the schedule has changed, we are committed as ever to provide the highest quality program possible. As I have been going over the schedule for the events, I am excited to see what God is going to do. Pray with us that God will touch the lives of our MKs. I always ask that you pray with me that the Holy Spirit will be poured out in a fresh way. I am passionate about our MKs being filled with the Holy Spirit – and I want you to pray with me that God will move among our kids again this summer!