Update, September 2013
We have gone into a new development stage of
iDiscipleship. We are working with a company to create a totally new platform.
The previous platform was good for a small group, and worked okay for ISMK, but
it was definitely not going to be a long-term solution. It required a lot of
individual maintenance, and there were not enough social features to keep the
users involved regularly. The growth and maintenance was too much to try and do
it in-house.
Discipleship is the primary goal. The
foundation is built on doing discipleship together, not just an individual
reading plan, or random discussions. iDiscipleship helps leaders create Bible
reading plans that are centered around group discussions, with accountability,
and leadership are at the core of iDiscipleship. Extra Biblical reading is also
being built into the structure, so groups can go through those books as well. A
secondary goal is to get people doing discipleship with others, on a global
The new site is currently being developed. It
will be launched officially on October 11th. The company developing
the site has a conference call with me every other Thursday afternoon. Every
Friday, they have a staff meeting to determine the deliverables for the
following week, and to review their accomplished goals of that week. Each
Friday afternoon, I track the progress of the developers for that week. I have
access to all their notes, updates and accomplishments. I am also able to
update anything on their tracking site, and post issues or changes necessary.
See Appendix A and B for screen shots of the tracking site.
It is being built with the ability, right at
the beginning, to handle 10,000 users. Each group that signs up is able to
create its’ own discipleship direction, including reading plans, small groups,
videos and pdf’s. Our goal is to give ministry directors the ability to totally
control the direction of their users discipleship. Here are some of the
features (but not all) of iDiscipleship:
22. Small
Group “real-time” chat functions (see appendix C)
of small groups for every user (see appendix D)
small groups
reading plans, any dates, any amounts, created by any leader. Join with people
anywhere in the world, studying any specific topic/discussion.
extra-biblical books, with live chat and discussions
Track your Bible reading, and have your small groups keep one another
accountable to stay on track.
section – video theologian, answering questions
youth pastor – for friends without a youth ministry (or joining alone)
110. Missionaries can lead small
groups in studies of missions and ministry
111. Uploadable video function
112. Uploadable pdf function
113. Leaders can create small
groups (See appendix E)
114. Can create short-term
discussion groups around topics, events, locations, and passions.
115. Can have a totally
independent group. Just want to have your own groups, without anyone else? No
problem. Create your own reading plans, small groups, with any criteria you would
116. Create a FAMILY-SAFE tool for
families to share discipleship tools for children. Have in-home Sunday School
tools for missionary kids.