The 2012-2013 season of iDiscipleship is set to launch on September 1, 2012.
Last year, over 400 MKs used the iDiscipleship platform to
read a total of 56,000 chapters of the Bible! iDiscipleship is more than
a reading program. It is a website that allows students to come together
from anywhere in the world, track their Bible reading, engage in small-group
discussions, share prayer requests, keep a private journal of all they are
learning and so much more. Originally developed to help MKs have
Bible studies together online, iD is now open to ANY group of students who
wants to commit to reading 3-4 chapters of the Bible each week — youth groups,
Royal Rangers and Girls Ministries, Sunday School classes, and more. Your
group can join with hundreds of other students for a powerful and unique discipleship
Go to for more info.