The month of January went by so quickly! It is hard to believe that we are in the second week of February. So much has happened. January started off with a retreat in South Africa. We were honored to have Steve Pulis preach to our youth, Jay Risner lead our elementary MKs and dynamic ladies from Texas and Kansas head up the younger programs. Thanks to their hard work the retreat was a true success!
The last few weeks in January were filled with packing and unpacking boxes. We moved the MK Office down the street! Even though we still have the same mailing address, the MK Office has relocated to the corner of N. Campbell and W. Lynn in Springfield, MO. It was a lot of work, but well worth it.
Summer program preparation has begun. We are having a design contest for our summer t-shirt! Click here if you would like details on how to enter. The deadline is March 1. There are so many talented MKs; we are excited to see what they come up with.
Please keep us in your prayers. The season ahead is exhilarating! We have various college visits, an MK caregivers conference, a Task Force to Costa Rica and so much more coming up.