Cairo 2014

Cairo 2014

Monday, July 18, 2011

Life in the MK Office

It seems like Fall should already be here, but that is how it feels every year after summer program. We start planning for events like Thanksgiving Retreat in late July. It gives us the false belief that summertime is over. However, we still have many weeks left of this season and praise the Lord for it! There is still so much to do before autumn arrives. We are continually preparing for the launch of iDiscipleship September 1st in hopes that it will radically impact MKs and youth groups globally. Our Thanksgiving Retreat registrations goes live on August 1st, which means we will soon be putting on the hat of travel agent for 150 people. Fall dinners are right around the corner and are a great time to catch up with our MKs.

Each event or program takes many hours of preparation and tweaking. As a team, we enjoy working together to ensure that our goal is accomplished to equip, engage, and enable MKs in Christ.